Introduction #
Understanding my home network #
Due to my current living situation, my home network is unfortunately behind a double NAT. To VPN into my home network while I’m away from home I use Tailscale, and I use CLoudflare Tunnel to make some selfhosted applications available to the outside world.
Devices #
The main workhorse of my home network is my old desktop PC turned NAS, which is running UnRaid.
Additionally, I run a handful of Fujitsu S920 Thin Clients. For around €30 a piece, these little boxes are actually quite capable and they were a great x86 based alternative to the Raspberry Pi, especially during the great shortage during the Corona years.
One Fujitsu S920 actually has the most important job in my home network: it runs my router and firewall, OPNSense. I had to install an Intel Pro/1000 network card to make that work.
Apparently, the S920 comes with 3 different CPU configurations. I initially had only the AMD GX-222GC version, which was extremely unstable with the Intel Pro/1000 card and would reliably crash as soon as I put the network under some stress.
I have since ordered an S920 with the AMD GX-415GA and it has been extremely reliable.
Selfhosted services #
Skills and knowledge earned #
Conclusion #