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My Home Network

·214 words·2 mins Draft


Understanding my home network

Due to my current living situation, my home network is unfortunately behind a double NAT. To VPN into my home network while I’m away from home I use Tailscale, and I use CLoudflare Tunnel to make some selfhosted applications available to the outside world.


The main workhorse of my home network is my old desktop PC turned NAS, which is running UnRaid. Additionally, I run a handful of Fujitsu S920 Thin Clients. For around €30 a piece, these little boxes are actually quite capable and they were a great x86 based alternative to the Raspberry Pi, especially during the great shortage during the Corona years.
One Fujitsu S920 actually has the most important job in my home network: it runs my router and firewall, OPNSense. I had to install an Intel Pro/1000 network card to make that work.

Apparently, the S920 comes with 3 different CPU configurations. I initially had only the AMD GX-222GC version, which was extremely unstable with the Intel Pro/1000 card and would reliably crash as soon as I put the network under some stress.

I have since ordered an S920 with the AMD GX-415GA and it has been extremely reliable.

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